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Is this you? 

If it is a yes to even a couple of these... it may be time for to do something about it! With as much time as you spend at work - you owe it to yourself to make that time meaningful, productive and fulfilling!

  • Have you become cynical or critical at work?

  • Do you drag yourself to work and have trouble getting started?

  • Have you become irritable or impatient with co-workers, customers or clients?

  • Do you lack the energy to be consistently productive?

  • Do you find it hard to concentrate?

  • Do you lack satisfaction from your achievements?

  • Do you feel disillusioned about your job?

  • Are you using food, drugs or alcohol to feel better or to simply not feel?

  • Have your sleep habits changed?

  • Are you troubled by unexplained headaches, stomach or bowel problems, or other physical complaints?

If you are feeling anxious, unsettled, and just not enjoying life and work. If you dread going to work and then despite your best intentions, you find yourself doing the bare minimum just to get through it... you are not alone! 

"Just keep swimming" - is not the answer! 😂 

If you want all of this to change - 

You are in the right place. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) now recognizes burnout as a legit diagnosis, placing it on its International Classification of Diseases diagnostic manual. It’s no longer just a stress syndrome but rather “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”


What does this mean? IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.


and yet, you still experience the consequences: 

  • Feelings of energy depletion or mental exhaustion

  • Increased mental distance or negative feelings toward your chosen career

  • Reduced professional productivity

In just a few weeks you can not only learn to effectively navigate the demands of your workplace (because while it is tempting to just quit,
you may need that income - right?!)  
but even more importantly,  
you will create your uniquely designed life to recharge, refuel and reclaim what matters. You will take on a journey of discovery that will empower you to love the life you live, and the work you do (whether you decide to stay where you are or not). 

An intentional and intuitive strategy for optimizing your overall well-being
Discovering your passion and purpose, values, vision and voice.
You can love the work you do and the life you live!

You owe it to yourself! 
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  • Create time for you (We'll get you back at least an hour every week to do what you love!)
  • Manage Stress and Mindset
  • Clarify Values, Vision and Voice
  • Tools for resetting, recharging and refueling
  • Intentional and Intuitive Well-Being Strategy
  • Setting Boundaries and Advocating for yourself. 
  • Learn the science of habits and how to manage the mind around getting what you really want. 
What others are saying...
"This has helped me so much get clear on what I really want. This makes all the difference when setting boundaries - what to say yes to, what to say no to. I feel like I have my power back" 

Deb, RN

"I love the tools for resetting during the day. I have a morning routine now too that makes such a huge difference in my energy levels." 

Jennifer, RN

Working through these tools, I have a lot to learn, but I realize too how far I've come. Incorporating mindfulness and the time management tools have been life savers." 

Beth, RN


This tool uses an informal approach to assessing burnout. While it may be intuitively useful, it has not been validated through controlled scientific tests and must therefore not be used as a diagnostic technique. Please, therefore, interpret the results with common sense. Also, make allowances for any recent events that may have a disproportionate influence on your mood at the time you take the test!

Valued at $450 in a typical Coaching Opportunity:

  • Live mindset sessions daily 

  • Coaching and Content Sessions throughout the 10 days 

  • 10 days of Group Interaction with Like Minded Professionals

  • Roadmap to Breakthrough

  • Burnout Boot Camp Journal / Work Book​​

VIP Opportunity:  ($97)

  • Life time access to everything

  • 2 additional Live Coaching sessions (group and 1:1)

  • Life Time Access to all content / course (Every update to the Course - you will get it first!) 

  • Virtual Self Care Tool Box 

  • 5 day Mindset Shift Audio 


We can love the life and work we have chosen. Let's do this together! 

© Reimagine Wellness, LLC

Reimagine Wellness, LLC  is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to  Any links leading you to products or services may be affiliate links that Reimagine Wellness LLC will receive compensation from. I am careful about the recommendations made, sharing tools that I believe to be helpful in moving us forward. 

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